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Happy Birthday litoxpinky!

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Happy Birthday litoxpinky! Empty Happy Birthday litoxpinky!

Post  monn Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:43 am

Phew! We went through so much to get Kogami sign a birthday card for you, lito! What with his filming the last few episodes of Season 2 we can't really blame him... :-/ And please do tell us that Kogami IS your favorite character (even if that means you have to lie) lol

Happy Birthday litoxpinky! Untitled_1

So, without further ado... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITOXPINKY!

You're our lovely and precious all around doer and a group without you in it is unthinkable. Thank you for always arranging wonderful birthday posts for us. I'm sure all of us here are happy to know that today you've just been granted a longer time to experience even more awesome things in life. Work hard, but don't forget to play hard, too.

Onto personal birthday messages, mine for you this year is an excerpt of my most favorite birthday song ever, "Blessing" by various Vocaloids. I personally think these are words to live by and go back to when you feel like you need that little push to press on in life. Once again I wish you a happy, happy birthday!

肝心な物は見えないし触れない事 The important things are the ones you can’t see or touch
不幸とは幸せだと気づけない事 Unhappiness is when you fail to notice that you are happy
毎日が誕生日で命日な事 Live each day as if it’s your birthday and your last day

Eat well, sleep well, play well, learn well, speak well, fight well
泣けなくても 笑えなくても 歌えなくても 何もなくても 愛せなくても 愛されなくても
Even if you can’t cry, can't laugh, can't sing, have nothing, can't love, or aren't loved
それでも生きて欲しい We still want you to live on
Hip hip HOORAY!! 君に幸あれ! Hip hip HOORAY!! All the best to you!!
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Happy Birthday litoxpinky! Empty Re: Happy Birthday litoxpinky!

Post  litoxpinky Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:10 am

monn you are too precious; thank you from the depths of my heart and i'm sorry for leavings such a long time. D: I promise to make everything better and get to some work!!

P.S. Kogami is a favorite but Akane is the real bae <3
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